Friday, December 30, 2011

Fairy Tale Themed Cakes

Winnie the Pooh Cake
Tinkerbell Cake
Hello Kitty Cake
Cindarella Cake

Snow White Cake
Curious George Cake

Halloween Cake Pops

Halloween cookies

Misc. Cupcakes

Fairy Tale Themed Cupcakes

Tangled Cupcake

Misc. Cake Pops

Easter Cake Pops

Fairytale themed cake pops

Horton Hears a Who cake pop

Halloween Cupcakes

Halloween Cupcakes 2011

Easter Cakes

Adult birthday cake

Flower bouquet birthday cake.
Geisha Birthday Cake, Bas-relief technique.

Misc. Cakes for children.

Bubble Bath/ Bathtub birthday cake
Ballerina Birthday Cake

Wedding Cakes

Wedding cake with roses.
Winter wedding cake with winter flowers and swans.

Winnie the pooh cake

I made this cake for my youngest daughter Caroline, who turned 1 yesterday:) All Winnie the Pooh characters are made from Wilton fondant. All decorations are edible